About IHIT
IHIT covers the Lower Mainland District from Pemberton to Boston Bar, including Sechelt, and serves 29 RCMP communities and 4 municipal police communities.
In addition to our administrative support staff, our highly skilled analytical unit and our seven investigative teams, IHIT is also comprised of individual support teams. These teams include: cold case team, investigational support unit, family/victim support liaison, major case management, legal application support, special projects and public/media relations.
Unsolved cases that meet a number of key factors are reviewed and prioritized for investigation by the Cold Case Team. Some of the key factors include:
- solvability
- public interest
- suspect and witness current lifestyle and willingness to cooperate
- physical evidence obtained
- new leads or information received
IHIT is comprised of 115 employees including 80 police officers from the RCMP, New Westminster, Port Moody, Abbotsford, West Vancouver and Metro Vancouver Transit Police departments.
IHIT has taken a leadership role in coordinating a national approach to Gang and Organized Crime related homicides. We have enhanced relationships with the public through the expansion of social media and are now using a more comprehensive and modernized electronic major case management system to also enhance effective operations. Finally, IHIT has created a Family Liaison position as a point of contact for victim families and for partner agencies where the support of Victim Services is provided and/or requested.
Since its formation in 2003, IHIT has led over one thousand homicide investigations within our mandate and our investigators continually look for new and innovative ways to solve crime. This dynamic approach ensures we maintain the highest level of expertise in order to produce top quality investigations within our legal, ethical and moral boundaries.
IHIT's success is driven, not only by seeking justice, but by the compassion that each and every one of us holds for the victims and families who have been affected by this senseless and devastating crime. The public and the families to whom we are accountable will now have a venue to view information on our case files.
Officer in Charge of the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team, Superintendent Mandeep Mooker.
Provide information
If you have any information in relation to the cases listed, please contact the IHIT Information Line at 1-877-551-4448
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